Workplace Wellness Whisperer – (July 16)
Hello Wellness Seeker,
Happy Saturday! Did you know that there are dynamic Breathwork practices that are primarily for trauma release and moving big stuff through the system. As well as more less intense daily Breathwork practices that help people come into more mindful awareness and presence. Check out my post for more details on Instagram or Facebook.
🙏Gratitude Practice🙏
Building daily gratitude habits and communicating more appreciation toward others are some of the simplest ways to gradually shift to a more positive mindset and experience the joys of life more deeply.
The thing I love most about my town or city is. . .
Is Workplace Wellness Important?
Yes! And here’s why:
- Healthy employees result in less-exorbitant healthcare costs.
- Well-cared-for employees meet with fewer road accidents due to stress, sleep-deprivation, or being burnt out.
- Healthy employees take less sick leave.
- Talent acquisition and retention remain strong when employees are happy to work at a company.
It’s great to see that corporate wellness industries have grown by as much as 30% in the last 10 years. Choosing strong and well-developed wellness initiatives that can kickstart and sustain workplace wellness as a priority are the need of the hour.
My Workplace Wellness Calendar can guide you with some ideas for implementing your wellness strategy.
Staff health and well-being must be integrated into management strategies and systems. The first step to improving employee wellbeing is to assess and audit their present state of well-being, decide where you want to be, then figure out how you’ll get there. A staff wellness audit is an excellent approach to evaluate your wellbeing efforts from a holistic perspective.
The CIPD identifies seven critical aspects of employee well-being:
- Health
- Good work
- Values/principles
- Collective/social
- Personal growth
- Good lifestyle choices
- Financial wellbeing
I invite you to listen to several of my podcasts on Self-Care and subscribe to my YouTube channel for amazing practical workplace wellness tips that I share everyday.
Here’s a summary of this week’s 5 tips that can help you personally and professionally.
Read, Listen and Share!

Tip #1. Is Green Tea Really Good for YOU?
“Green Tea” Is it a fad or are there any health benefits?
According to a report from the International Institute of Sustainable Development, tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world, after water. Green tea is used in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine and can help with several health problems.
A 2016 meta-analysis of observational studies suggested that daily green tea drinking is associated with a decreased risk of cognitive impairment. Green tea is different from other teas because it is made from unoxidized tea leaves and is less processed than most other teas.
When you begin your day with green tea it will help you replace other unhealthy beverages. It can be calming and reduce anxiety. It lowers cholesterol and improves the brain function.
So make sure you get your cup or two today and every day.
Check out the Self-Care Goddess Podcast episode #34 with Bhaskar Goswami titled “YOGA: Your Secret To A Healthy Heart, Mind & Body”.
Tip #2. HeartMath Freeze Frame Technique for Decision Making
Are you stuck with a decision and don’t know what to do? Here’s a really interesting technique that works, every time. It is my honor to lead you through a freeze frame technique from the HeartMath Institute.
The freeze frame technique is a multi purpose technique that can be used in the moment for gaining clarity and stopping energy drains. It also helps balance your mind and emotions so you can think more creatively and make better choices.
This technique helps you gain a clear and balanced perspective. By accessing your intuitive intelligence. Clear clarity or insight may not come right away. This could have a lot to do with the complexity of the issue, past history and the intensity of any emotion that may or may not be related to the issue or situation. That’s okay. Be patient with yourself. Repeat the process later or the next day, it will begin to feel more natural with practice. Often solutions are inspired through communication or input from others.
Be sure also to notice any subtle shift in the way you feel shifting from feeling anxious but an issue to feeling calm significant. You’re not only plugged that energy, but you also shifted your feeling experience and opened the door for a solution to emerge at another time. This technique is designed to use regardless of whether or not stress is present by bringing heart qualities to the forefront can help with mental clarity, decision making and creativity.
Download my FREE Morning Routine and learn how to: 1. Increase Energy 2. Improve Sleep & 3. Decrease Mood Swings.
Tip #3. How do you UNPLUG ON VACATION?
When you go on vacation are you going to unplug completely or check messages just once or twice a day?
Establish boundaries before leaving for vacation. No matter what you decide, make sure to communicate those boundaries clearly, even following up with automatic reminders to those who text or email. You should also determine what constitutes an emergency and discuss what colleagues should do when urgent matters arise.
Successful transition back to work is just as important, so spending the first day after a vacation in relative isolation is highly recommended if possible of course.
Responding to emails, returning phone calls, and determining a to-do list for the rest of the week can make returning to a normal schedule more pleasant and less dreaded. And make you look forward to your next vacation.
Tip #4. Get Your Body Moving With Chair Yoga
How are you moving your body throughout your workday?
It’s important to take physical and mental breaks throughout your workday. Even-though I don’t recommend it, sometimes, it’s difficult to leave the office and go for a walk. So the next best thing is chair yoga.
Try these simple and quick exercises, do about 20 repetitions 3-5 times throughout your work day.
Check out my amazing delicious ‘Digestive Tea’ recipe
Tip #5. Myth: Fasting Decreases Your Metabolism
On the contrary, our metabolism actually increases during fasting and our hormones allow for a switch in energy source from food to body fat with no drop in energy. Caloric reduction, on the other hand will lower your metabolism because your body cannot run a deficit indefinitely so it will decrease your energy expenditure.
Actually, intermittent fasting has several important weight loss advantages over other diets based on continuous calorie restriction. I have seen it as a highly effective weight loss tool for many people. According to a study published by the National Library of Medicine in 2000 a 3-day fast actually increases the metabolism by an impressive 14%. This increase is thought to be due to the rise in the hormone norepinephrine, which promotes fat burning. Think about it this way. If you were a hunter-gatherer roaming the plains 40,000 years ago, would you want your body shutting down after a fruitless hunt? Of course not. You’d want to be extra alert so you could hunt down your meal on the next hunt. That’s exactly what happens during an intermittent fast. Fueled by the burning of fat, your metabolic rate is maintained or increased by temporary fasting.
Looking to begin your fasting journey? A good beginner fasting option is ALTERNATE-DAY FASTING for about 12-16hrs. Connect with me here and I can guide you for the fasting strategy.