

Happy Self-Care Sunday!

Showing gratitude can make you more optimistic. Studies show that those who
express gratitude regularly appear to have a more positive outlook on life. 

🙏🏽 Gratitude Practice 🙏🏽

A positive aspect of today’s weather is. . .​​​​​​​

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What is the first thing we do when we are born and the last thing we do before we die?

Breathing! Yet most of us pay little attention to our breath throughout our lives. Breathing is something we do automatically, but it is an important & convenient tool to build healthy Self-Care habits early in life. Low and slow belly breathing is an excellent way to interrupt the stress cycle and help yourself and your kids feel calm, reduce anxiety, and release physical stress effects on the body.

I invite you to join the monthly online New Moon Breathwork Experience and be part of the breathwork revolution. Purchase your tickets here.

Breathing trivia: Why breathe better?

  • We breathe 12-16 times per minute—that’s about 20,000 breaths per day!
  • The average person breathes in the equivalent of 1.625 gallons of air every minute. That is about 2340 gallons per day. But most of us use only two-thirds of our optimal lung capacity. Learning to breathe deeply can help us to use our full lung capacity.
  • 70% of toxins are eliminated through your lungs simply by breathing.
  • Your emotions change the way you breathe. Research has shown that your breathing patterns can influence the emotions you experience. Learning to breathe in specific ways can help you manage your emotions and your mind.
  • Breathing is the only autonomous system of the body that we can also control. This means that the body governs it, but we can change how we breathe through conscious breathing exercises.

Check out my amazing podcast “Reversing MS with Nutrition, Mindset & Lifestyle Habits” #48 on the Self-Care Goddess Podcast.

It’s encouraging to think that we might alleviate our ills with the power of our own bodies. Throughout history we have sought special ways of breathing to improve health. Breath-centred practices are central to many ancient religions and cultures, while some of the most disparate schools of thought on health and wellness have one feature in common: breathing. Beset by the pressures of modern life, you might feel that you ought to reduce your blood pressure, be more present in the moment, optimise your immune system or increase your willpower. Perhaps you even dream of having more intimate sex, enlightening your spirit or enhancing your athletic performance. All of this can be achieved by tapping into the power of your breath.

To learn 4 amazing breathing techniques to help you manage stress watch my YouTube Video.

Mental toughness and resilience are among the latest alleged benefits of certain New Age breathing practices. Dutch athlete Wim Hof developed an eponymous method that recommends periods of hyperventilation followed by voluntary breath-holds, which he claims helps users to develop command over mind, breath and body and thus accomplish impressive mental and physical feats. Hof credits his method as instrumental to his accumulation of over 25 world records: the ‘Iceman’ has withstood nearly two hours inside a container of ice cubes and ran the fastest barefoot half marathon on ice and snow. Icy ventures aside, Hof and other advocates of the technique claim that its health benefits include enhanced immune function, reduced stress, heightened focus and better sleep. Making good breathing a part of your day can facilitate growth and healing. Proper breathing impacts wellness by lowering stress, relaxing muscles, and decreasing perspiration. When our blood is highly oxygenated, it becomes difficult for viruses and bacteria to grow in our body. Breathing well also supports muscle growth and promotes energy to finish our daily tasks.

For more information on how you can incorporate proper breathing techniques to benefit your overall health subscribe to my YouTube channel.

I am a certified Breathwork Facilitator. Connect With Me to know more on the amazing power of breathwork and learn some breathwork techniques than can help you better manage yourself.

