Workplace Wellness Whisperer – 5 Tools To Help You Reframe A Stressful Situation
Hello Workplace Wellness Seeker,
I’m super excited to be hosting breathwork sessions online and in-person this August to help optimize your breathing for better performance at work and in life.
Check out the details on my Instagram or Facebook.
Being grateful for your job transforms challenges into opportunities and fuels growth and fulfillment.
🙏Gratitude Practice🙏
Start meetings by sharing one specific thing you’re grateful for about your team, setting a positive tone and encouraging a culture of appreciation.

🌟 Transform Your Stress with These 5 Powerful Cognitive Tools! 🧠✨
Did you know there are two main ways to manage stress?
Cognitive techniques change how we perceive stressors, while physical methods activate the vagus nerve to enter the Parasympathetic Nervous System.
👉 Watch the full video to learn more and start mastering cognitive stress management today! 📺CLICK HERE
Here are 5 cognitive tools to help you master this magical practice:
1) Question your thoughts: Are they real? Are they true and accurate?
2) Shift threats into challenges: Does this experience give you an opportunity to grow?
3) Expand time: Will this event matter in a year? 5 years? At the end of your life?
4) Increase your sense of control: You can’t control events, but you can ask for help, find creative solutions, draw on resources, and influence others involved. Focus on what you actually have control of.
5) Recognize that not all stress is harmful: Can you reframe the experience of a rapid heartbeat or butterflies in your belly as excitement? As a thrill and not a threat?
Reframing is a magical tool to practice every day.
My Workplace Wellness Calendar can guide you with some ideas for implementing your wellbeing strategy.
For more valuable content connect with me:
If you’re ready to leverage your workplace wellness strategy and explore how to optimize individual, team and your company’s performance, book your complimentary Workplace Wellness call here.