Workplace Wellness Whisperer – (July 30)
Hello Workplace Wellness Seeker,
Happy Self-Care Sunday! What are your self-care plans for today? I wanted to update you on my Breathwork events. Here are the details: – If you’re in the TORONTO area – please come to High Park from 7pm-8:30pm and experience my breathwork experience outdoors with mother nature. Register here. – If you’re in the Vaughan area, please join me every Thursday at the Elemental Wellness Studio. Register here. – If you’re somewhere else in the world, please join us for the New Moon online breathwork experience. Register here. You can stay up to date with the various schedules and future events by following me on Instagram or Facebook. |
🙏Gratitude Practice🙏
Gratitude and appreciation are core Positive Psychology practices that have been shown to boost physical, mental, and emotional health.
One freedom I often take for granted is. . .
Why is there an urgency for leaders to prioritize employee mental health since the pandemic?
A recent study published by uncovered that 42% of IT workers are facing high levels of burnout and are considering quitting their job in the next six months. As a remedy, MetLife reports that employers are expanding the range and customization of benefits, improving communications around those benefits, and offering more added value programs to their employees to ensure retention and productivity.
- 75% of employers are enabling employees to have greater customization of their benefits.
- 74% of employers are offering more added-value services to employees, such as mental health programs or employee assistance programs.
To achieve greater customization and new value-added services, you have to know your employees, give them ways to share what they really need and help employees feel safe enough to ask for what they really need while implementing a wellness program.
My Workplace Wellness Calendar can guide you with some ideas for implementing your wellness strategy.
Many of the benefits of wellness in the workplace, which can include increased productivity, profitability and stability, are well-known. However, not many organizations take the time to develop effective programs that support the health of employees. Healthy employees are often happy employees, and happy employees tend to be more productive. Organizations that support their employees can also experience cost savings on insurance and absenteeism, less turnover and possibly more profitability.
Cultivating wellness at your company must be integrated into the foundation of your business to elicit real benefits. Creating a culture of wellness may lead to sustainable and long-term health for your organization.
I invite you to listen to several of my podcasts on Self-Care and subscribe to my YouTube channel for amazing practical workplace wellness tips that I share everyday.
Here’s a summary of this week’s 5 tips that can help you personally and professionally.
Read, Listen and Share!

Tip #1. Learn to Say NO or NOT NOW! Set Boundaries
Is it difficult for you to say NO? Well guess what, it can be the cause of your stress.
So learning how to say NO can be a powerful stress management technique. My hot tip: When you are asked to do something or help someone, if it’s not a HELL YES then it’s a NO! or a NOT NOW!
Avoid putting your self in a position where you are committing but don’t have the energy or bandwidth to deliver your usual quality of service. Practice saying “No.” It may sound silly, but you can actually practice saying “No” alone. Try standing before a mirror and looking at yourself. Many people are nervous about saying “No” to their seniors at work and may say “Yes” due to anxiety. We are used to saying yes to please others but it can be harmful not to be more assertive.
And imagine what you can do with all that free time. Learn to say “No” when necessary.
Download my FREE Morning Routine and learn how to: 1. Increase Energy 2. Improve Sleep & 3. Decrease Mood Swings.
Tip #2. Try This Herb To Support Your Liver
Do you know how you can support your liver? Milk thistle is a flowering herb related to the daisy and ragweed family. It is native to Mediterranean countries. It is also called Mary thistle and holy thistle. I recommend you use milk thistle for problems with the liver and gallbladder . Silymarin is the primary active ingredient of the herb. Silymarin is an antioxidant compound taken from milk thistle seeds. It supports the liver function by supporting protective glutathione levels. It also optimizes the production of bile that makes fat digestion and absorption easier on the liver. Milk thistle is particularly beneficial if your liver is damaged by industrial toxins, found in your personal care products.
You can take small cup once or twice a day. It odourless and easy to consume. Try it out and incorporate this in your daily routine for improving digestion and for detoxification.
Check out my amazing delicious ‘GF Vegan Blondies’ recipe
Tip #3. Breathe In Ease For Stress Busting
Are you feeling stressed or overwhelmed? I
I invite you to give this variation of a HeartMath technique a try when you’re feeling stressed.
- Aknowledge your feelings as soon as you sense stress.
- Pause what you’re doing, focus on your heart, and breathe in the attitude of ease. Imagine with each breath that you are drawing in feelings of calm.
- Once you activate your ease and regain your energetic poise, breathe this feeling for a while longer to help anchor it in. After doing this exercise for a day or two, your intuition will start to automatically cue you up when stress persists.
🌸 Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for guided meditations to help you destress.
Tip #4. STOP Eating These Bad Oils – NOW!
STOP eating these oils they are worse than smoking? Stop feeding these oils to your kids. And check the labels because these are everywhere!
Do you know what causes more inflammation in your body, more than sugar and more than processed Carbohydrates?
Vegetable oils like your
❌ Canola Oil
❌ Corn Oil
❌ Cottonseed Oils
❌ Soybean Oil
❌ Grapeseed Oils
❌ Ricebran Oils
Why? because they are unstable when commercially processed they are adultered and damaged causing them to go rancid. So they are already rancid before you consume them. And then we use them as cooking oils when we heat these oils, we are causing further oxidization creating inflammation and damaging your cells for up to 12 months.
Studies show that up to 20% of oil, after processing are toxic metabolites that cause inflammation, damage and change our behaviors. You can have unadulterated seed oils but they have to be cold pressed. However, it must definitely say cold pressed and be in a dark glass bottle and it is usually four times costlier.
The alternative healthy fats most recommended are my favourite:
✅ Olive oil
✅ Avocado oil
✅ Grass fed organic butter & ghee
✅ Coconut oil
Coconut oil it the most stable of them all to cook with, because it contain saturated fats, which are stable fats that do not get damaged by heat.
Heating can kill any oil but with normal cooking, but coconut oil stands up very well. It’s also very good for the brain because of the short and medium chain fatty acids.
Listen to the Self-Care Goddess Podcast episode #22 & #23 to know how toxins are compromising your health and wellbeing.
Tip #5. Get Your Body Moving With Chair Yoga
How are you moving your body throughout your workday?
It’s important to take physical and mental breaks throughout your workday. Even-though I don’t recommend it, sometimes, it’s difficult to leave the office and go for a walk. So the next best thing is chair yoga.
Try these simple and quick exercises, do about 20 repetitions 3-5 times throughout your work day.
If you’re ready to leverage your workplace wellness strategy and explore how to optimize individual, team and your company’s performance, book your complimentary Workplace Wellness call with me here.