
Workplace Wellness Whisperer – (Oct 29)

Hello Workplace Wellness Seeker,

Happy Saturday!

We spend about one-third of our lives in bed. Are you making your
bedroom a perfect place to start measuring and reducing your toxic exposure?
One of my featured business is Sunshine Mattress Company. Check out the details on my Instagram or Facebook

People that practice gratitude consistently report a host of psychological benefits
including: higher levels of positive emotions, more alert, alive, and awake, more joy
and pleasure, more optimism and happiness.

🙏Gratitude Practice🙏

 I appreciate the following things about my job/work _____ because ____.


Have you assessed the ROI of your wellness program? Do you sense some pitfalls?

Creating a workplace wellness program is hard work. Between lobbying senior leaders to get buy-in, creating programming that’ll get people excited, and sending what feels like a million communications, the entire process can feel like out-of-control. Sometimes the worst case scenario happens. Despite your best efforts, your wellness program … fizzles. Engagement is low, participation is unpredictable, and the whole thing that you’ve worked so hard on is at risk of being eliminated altogether. It’s pretty demoralizing. You’re not alone. And I have good news. Helping companies rescue their workplace wellness programs from failure is very much what I do.

My Workplace Wellness Calendar can guide you with some ideas for implementing your wellness strategy. 

The state of mental health in the workplace reached a crisis level during the pandemic and it remains a concern. Despite some recent improvement, employee mental health is still worse than before the pandemic:

  • The risk of depression is 71% higher
  • The risk of PTSD is 33% higher
  • Employee sustained attention is 27% worse

This crisis has impacted employees’ productivity, their ability to focus, and even their perspective on attaining work-life balance. Without mental health services, some of your employees will be unable to engage with your wellness programming they’ll simply be too overwhelmed. Most of your employees need some level of mental health support even if they aren’t openly willing to admit it.

I invite you to subscribe to my YouTube channel for amazing practical daily workplace wellness tips that can help in your wellness program.

Here’s a summary of this week’s 5 pitfalls that can possibly lead to Workplace Wellness program failure.

Read, Listen and Share!

Tip #1 – Lacks Leadership Support

Wellness programs don’t happen without the support of key leaders. Identify your resources and key people, and engender their ongoing backing. If you introduce wellness programs but have senior leaders and managers who don’t foster well-being employees may end up seeing your wellness communications as just lip service. But when wellness is at the heart of everything you do, it’s easier to share it with employees and watch them follow your lead. Basically, I’m asking the leaders to walk-the-talk! Consider creating a wellness committee so that your employees have a say in co-creating their wellness program.

Download my FREE morning routine here and learn how to: Increase Energy, Improve Sleep and Decrease Mood Swings.

Tip #2 – Lacks Integration

Avoid creating something quickly that doesn’t tap into long-term behavioral change. Instead, establish a comprehensive strategic plan that builds employee engagement over time. Make sure the wellness program is customized to your organizations needs and aligned with the company’s mission and goals. And just as important that it’s integrated with other cultural and wellbeing initiatives and programs. And remember to be measuring progress and results so it can be improved and successes can be celebrated. Why not include a wellness goal in your staff ’s yearly performance objectives? So instead of thinking about wellness as just a program, make sure it’s part of your corporate culture.

I invite you to listen to episode #39 on the Self-Care Goddess Podcast, where I share with you 9 science backed tips for an effective morning routine to help you start your day for a healthier, happier and more productive life.

Tip #3. Lacks engagement

As you can imagine, a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work well for well-being and health concerns. In a workplace where there’s usually a mix of Gen X, Baby Boomers, and Millennials, it may feel challenging to address everyone’s issues. So I recommend Surveying individual generations and their needs can help leadership better understand what type of programs would work best for each group. This is to support employee choice without making it overwhelming, consider providing a wellness credit so employees can choose the activity that works best for them. Make wellness programs accessible by sharing information through team meetings, corporate emails and your corporate intranet.

Tip #4. Lacks Consistency

Avoid trying for quick fix wellness initiatives such as often “flavor of the month,” challenges, contests, biometric screening, and lunch-and-learn events, that are often forgotten or worst not integrated with other initiatives or not followed up on. Consistency can carve mountains. Having a well thought out integrated wellness plan demonstrates to your employees that you’re serious and dedicated to their wellbeing. This will increase their participation because they will come to expect it and even look forward to it. Provided that you’ve created the program with their feedback and needs in mind.

Listen to my solo podcast ‘9 Morning Routine Tips To Optimize YOUR Health & Longevity’ on the Self-Care Goddess Podcast, episode #37.

Tip #5. Lacks a Holistic Approach

Some wellness programs lack a Holistic Approach to Physical & Mental Health. While customizing the program to your workforce is important, make sure you don’t end up with a fragmented initiative focusing just on physical wellness like exercise and eating well. Since body and mind are connected, giving your employees physical wellness tools without any tools to combat stress such as breathwork will yield only partial results.

If you’re ready to leverage your workplace wellness strategy and explore how to optimize individual, team and your company’s performance, book your complimentary Workplace Wellness call here.

