
Category Self-Care News

We Are Only As Healthy As Our SOIL

Are you aware of the challenges the use of pesticides, herbicides & excessive fertilizers are doing to our soil? In fact, 90{1e16acf445973e61fdbd53de1c132af7e84fd195cf15d57956db2b0426c8fa60} of fertilizers don’t help grow our food, instead it goes into the soil and water system. We have…

Conscious Breathing YOUR First Pillar of Self-Care

Did you know I created these 6 pillars of Self-Care, to help you master stress and thrive as you age? I call it the Savoia Self-Care Method. Mindset Mastery      Conscious Breathwork        Authentic Connection Sacred Sleep                                    Metabolic Flexibility             Joyful…

How To Build YOUR Resilience?

Is your body and mind strong enough to help support you when you hit setbacks? Resilience has been shown to positively influence overall well-being and can also lower depression levels. In my podcast conversation with Paul Demeda, he provides scientific…

Busting 3 Biggest Ageing Myths

Happy New Year 2022! I’ve been thinking during these past few days that if we had guidelines and laws helping us to live healthily, would it help the world? All of us will be compelled by law to live healthily…

How to Start Your Toxin FREE Living Journey

Have you considered that your shampoo might be make your hair fall out? Or your perfume could give you headaches and nausea?  The understanding and elimination of toxins from your life can sometimes get overwhelming and depressing. This blog will…

Sugar Is Not Sweet For YOUR Health!

A sugar-free diet is actually the sweetest thing for your health! Sugar is becoming the biggest dietary enemy we face today. If you have a sweet tooth and love to eat sugary treats and beverages, be aware that too much…