
Power of BREATH

Happy Sunday! What are your self-care Sunday plans? I’m attending a Level 3 Certification all weekend to deepen my Breathwork Certification practice. 

Did you know that the ‘simple’ act of breathing properly is a terrific way of strengthening your immune system? Check out the details on my Instagram or Facebook

Practicing gratitude can improve your physical health. People who actively express
gratitude tend to be more engaged in activities to take care of their physical health,
like eating well and exercising. This leads to higher energy levels, better sleep and a stronger immune system, or the ability to fight off illness or infection.

🙏🏽 Gratitude Practice 🙏🏽

One person I don’t talk to very often, but I know I can count on is. . .

🌸 ====== 🌸

Do you wish to thrive in every layer of your being, physically healthy, with good vitality, clear mind, wholesome emotions and sacred connection?
Breathwork can teach us many things, but I think at its core, it’s a guide for living.
If we really pay attention, the breath and its natural rhythms and patterns can show us how to live in peace, and how to live our best lives. Living doesn’t have to be hard. Life doesn’t have to be a constant challenge and a constant battle.
The breath doesn’t get attached to anything or get wrapped up and lost in what everyone else is doing or what all the other systems of the body are doing. It just does its job in perfect harmony with the rest of the body’s functions, and then gracefully exits the scene.

As a certified Breathwork Facilitator, connect with me to know more on the amazing power of breathwork and learn some breathwork techniques than can help you better manage yourself to lead a high vibrating, thriving and successful life. I invite you to join the monthly online New Moon Breathwork Experience and be part of the breathwork revolution. Purchase your “Group Sessions” tickets here.

Our bodies are whisperings and wanderings of our life experience. We can work with our breath as a teacher to the great potential of our fullest expansion. We have life to teach us. We have bodies to teach us. In every moment we can breathe ourselves into presence and receive the love that is our divine birth-right. The breath teaches us that the soul and the heart long to be one, and that flow is ours if we are open to it. We can learn a better way of life by paying attention to the breath, and by treating it like the wise and reliable teacher it is.

For guidance on holistic wellness subscribe to my YouTube channel.

We all know that sometimes, just being alive is hard. Life can be a struggle, and our minds often make it harder with their constant chattering, opinions, and judgments. But we’ve also been given a built-in system for dealing with the stresses of daily life. The only problem is, most of us don’t know what it is or how to make use of it, so we continue to live frazzled lives of worry and overwhelm. Let us begin to view the breath not just as a function of the body, but as a teacher and spiritual guide. In order to become better at living in harmony with the changing nature of life, and in order to lead easier, more fulfilling lives, we have to learn how to let go gracefully. The breath is constantly showing us how to do this, over and over and over again, day in and day out.

I invite you to listen to episode #34 of the Self-Care Goddess Podcast with Bhaskar Goswami “YOGA: Your Secret To A Healthy Heart, Mind & Body”.

Listen to my wellness video “Rhythmic Breathing Is Good For Your Mental Health” here.

I am a certified Breathwork Facilitator. Connect With Me to know more on the amazing power of breathwork and learn some breathwork techniques than can help you better manage yourself.

