
Tag mentalhealth

Workplace Wellness Whisperer – (May 20)

Hello Workplace Wellness Seeker, Happy Saturday! Are you thinking about eating less meat, meatless Mondays perhaps? Try out this vegan meatball recipe. Check out the recipe on Instagram or Facebook. 🌸===🌸 Showing gratitude can make you more optimistic. Studies show that those who express…

Workplace Wellness Whisperer – (May 13)

Hello Workplace Wellness Seeker, Happy Saturday! Nearly 75 % of non-organic fresh produce sold in the U.S. contains residues of potentially harmful pesticides. Check out the list on Instagram or Facebook. 🌸===🌸 Studies show that expressing gratitude can improve your mood. People whoregularly express…

Omega Oils: What you NEED to know!

Can healthy oils lead to suppleness in joints, better mood, energy and softer, silkier skin & hair? ✨YES! ✨ ‘Omega’ – the last of the Greek alphabet, when applied to dietary fats represents a healthy beginning. Polyunsaturated fats like the…

EFT Tapping For Your Mental Health

Well-being is our natural state and a higher level of awareness is activated by becoming conscious of our thoughts. On the Self-Care Goddess Podcast Episode #70. Theresa Levine talks about how Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) can empower us to cultivate…